Leech is a worm of phylum Annelida and Class Clitellata. It is a segmented parasitic worm. Leech's scientific name is Hirudinaria granulosa. It belongs to the subClass Hirudinea. Leech has a soft, segmented, and muscular body, which can lengthen and contract. Leeches have a body structure, which is formed with multiple rings. Leech has suckers on both ends of the body. It uses the suckers as hypodermic needles. They have one to four pairs of eyes. Leeches live in freshwater habitats, marine or terrestrial environments. Leech is a parasite, which sucks blood from its host to survive. The digestive system of the Leech contains a pouch. In this article, we will discuss the structure of Leech, Leech anatomy, characteristics, reproduction system, blood circulatory system, excretion, and other things of Leeches in detail.
Hirudinea sp.
Updated: Dec 23, 2022